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HEPCO’s Success as a Great Recruiter 

A solutions-based company is only as effective as the strength of the help they can provide. At HEPCO, we take great care to listen to our clients and candidates while striving to continuously improve our client experience.  

By using the “experience management and brand promotion platform,” Great Recruiters, HEPCO has received excellent feedback on our services and has identified areas for improvement. With competition increasing, HEPCO is happy to find ways to stand out from the crowd and provide the ultimate recruiting experience. With this thought in mind, we are happy to look at our Great Recruiter results.  


Net Promoter Score 

In reviewing all our scores, HEPCO is extremely proud to report a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 91, in recognition of our premiere recruiting experience.   

Introduced in 2003, the NPS is an industry metric used to gain a sense of the customer’s feeling for company loyalty and satisfaction with its services. On a scale of zero to ten, respondents must answer how likely they are to recommend the company to others. After responses are collected, they are then recalculated to exclude the number of responses scoring six or below, to determine the total NPS.  

 HEPCO’s score of 91 represents 93.1% of reviewers gave HEPCO either a 9 or 10 on the likelihood that they would recommend the agency.  This score exceeds the industry average of 19% from placed talent and 72% from placed talent by service leading companies, such as Apple and USAA.   

Throughout our recruiting approach, we work diligently to ensure all our job seekers are experiencing a personalized approach in their recruitment experience. Thus, receiving a NPS of 91, with most of the respondents becoming a HEPCO Promoter by rating us at nine or ten, is a testament to the quality of our recruiters and the recruiting experience we aim to provide.   

Great Recruiter Traits 

In addition to the Net Promoter Score, we are happy to share that we rank above average for four of the five Great Recruiter Traits.   

The four traits we rank above average include:  

  • Genuine: 

    Genuineness refers to our recruiters’ ability to understand the needs of our candidates and to respond to these needs appropriately. Currently, our score ranks at 4.76, with the Great Recruiters’ average at 4.74. 

  • Responsive: 

    Responsiveness is when the recruiter follows-up with the candidate in a timely matter. HEPCO’s score for this is 4.75 exceeding the Great Recruiter’s average of 4.72. 

  • Experienced:

    Experience is how well the recruiter knew the industry and what the job seeker was looking for. By understanding the industry and the various jobs, we can better place our candidates in a job that matches their skills and desired role. With a Great Recruiters average of 4.7, HEPCO is happy to report our score of 4.73.   

  • Transparent: 

    As one of our main experiences we aim to provide for our job seekers, transparency refers to a recruiter’s ability to inform the candidate about the process for hiring. This includes the overall hiring framework and what they should expect next during the recruiting process. HEPCO’s score for transparency is 4.69. The Great Recruiter average is 4.68. 

These traits have provided us with an excellent recruiter rating of 4.71, above the company’s average of 4.7. 

Ranking just below the average for “advisor” with a 4.62, this provides insight into what we need to improve as a company.   


With four recruiters Great Recruiters Certified and our trait rankings, we are proud of our success and are excited to apply all that we have learned towards improving our services.   

HEPCO would like to thank all our job seekers who have taken the time to provide feedback and our recruiters for the meticulous work they do to deliver IT, Engineering, Telecom, and Transportation recruiting and solutions.  
